Kansas City's Best Festival

    Flight Attendant

    Friday 9:30pm | Holladay Hill Stage

    “Flight Attendant delivers an experience,” – Rolling Stone Magazine. Flight Attendant belongs to that breed of rock bands made in Nashville, USA; where their sound is nothing less than a sonic unicorn. Blending sounds of grunge with power-pop hooks, viola and light synth textures, they have begun to create a hypnotic sound and energy all of their own. Glide Magazine says that Lead Singer Karalyne, “Commands your attention like Freddie Mercury working the crowd in an arena.” Flight Attendant band has been compared to Haim and Fleetwood Mac, or as TurnuptheVolume puts it, “Think Warpaint having a dance with Best Coast,” – This “Nashville based eclectic-indie band….is ready for take off”, Velvet Thunder